Monday, June 27, 2011

Easter Eggs 2011

So for Easter this year I downloaded the Martha Stewart Easter Egg app and decided to be a little ambitious and try a couple different designs from the app, the easy ones of course. All I have to say is that Martha Stewart is full of crap, she makes everything look so easy and it is definitely not. Blowing out an egg... really dumb and super hard! I tried three times and broke every egg that I tried and almost passed out! Anyways here are a few that actually worked out...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A new direction

Since my new years resolution of loosing weight was an epic fail, I have decided to make EVERY CUPCAKE IN THIS BOOK!! Carly bought me this recipe book for christmas, without know that I had seen it before and fell in love but for some reason did not buy it ... I know, I know its a first I wanted something and did not buy it. Anyways everything happens for a reason i guess, so stay tuned for my cupcake posts, we will see how close I can get to making my cupcakes look like the pictures. Each month I will make a new cupcake and post mine in comparison to the picture.

I guess I better get that gym pass I have been putting off...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dead or Alive?

Alive! We are still very much alive! We both have been so busy moving and finishing the semester of school, the worst of my life by the way. But yes we have moved out of the many homes we have lived in throughout the past few months, his mom's, my mom's, etc. and have finally settled in one place! We are now living in the condos in Woods Cross just behind the apple. You may recognize them by the tall skinny "San Fransisco" style condos. We are so happy to finally be living in one place and I promise now that I have a break for a few weeks from school I will definately get some pictures / video posted of our new house!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Homecoming...for a minute

Courtney finally got to come home and see me and Chip for the weekend! It was so much fun to see him! I had almost forgot what he looked like after not seeing him for over a month! Just kidding kind of. But me and Chip were very excited to see him and can't wait for him to come home to us again.

For those of you that don't know what the deal is...Cort has moved to Dallas for the extended season for selling alarms for Pinnacle Security, and I had to come home at the end of August to go back to school (in the final stretch now people, PRAISE THE LORD!) So I haven't seen him since I came home on August 17!! So it was great surprise to have him here.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Logo

I decided as my senior year in the interior design program it was time for me to update my logo for myself, since it will be on all my business cards and portfolio documents. Write a comment to let me know what you think!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our last day together :(

It was our last day together on August 16th before I came back to Utah to start school again (senior year, finally!!). Cort is staying out in chicago until the end of August and then moving to Dallas Texas to do the extension and will be back around mid - end of September.

So on our last day in Chicago we thought there would be no better way to go out with a bang then by going to a chicago cubs game at Yankee stadium. When we woke up that morning it was perfect weather for a baseball gam, not to hot and not to cold. As we drove closer and closer to the stadium it began to get overcast. As we got a little closer it started to sprinkle. And finally as we reached Wrigley started pouring buckets!! I was so disappointed, but decided that was God's way of punishing me for procrastination.

Even though the game was a bust we still had a really fun day. We met up with our friends and went to the Skydeck href=""> of sears tower. It was so cool to see the sity from that high up (103rd floor, 1,353 feet). The just added the glass boxes to the outside so you can stand outside of the building enclosed in glass, it was really scray actuall! I didn't think I would ge scared but I did, it was a little windy that day and I swear the building was swaying! (Look at the few pictures I have from the day, I forgot my memory card so I had to rely on the camera's sucked)

After the skydeck Cort and I went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Chicago, it was cool but not the best one I have been to.

Finally, we went and saw Courtney's boyfriend AKA Michael Jordan. We went to the United Center, the home of the chicago bulls, to see the statue of Michael outside the stadium. Although I am not a bulls fan it was a cool statue, and Courtney is the biggest bulls fan ever so he loved it!

Although we were sad to leave eachother I am lucky to have a husband that works so hard to support my expensive habits :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Independent Woman!

I bought my first car on August 4th, that I got all by myself! It is a 2006, Dodge Charger with a V8, which could be dangerous since I had my license revoked for speeding tickets :). Its beautiful and I love it! Look at more pictures of the inside in Picasa web...
Then on August 6th...

It broke! The fuel sensor broke as I was driving out of Nordstrom Rack parking lot. A tow truck had to come and get us after an hour, and then after an hour ride in the tow truck we were suppose to be picking up a rental car and ... the keys were locked inside! So we waited around for an hour deciding what to do and $85.00 and an hour ride home in a cab we were home, rental car and new carless. :(